Freeeeeeedommmmmm. . . . .
Mamacita says: I posted this in 2006, but I’ve been thinking about this same thing all day so here it is again. My blog, my rules. What up, dawggggg? I admit it: too much Scrubs. Here’s the post: Is...
View ArticleNot To Mince Words: Some Parents Are Scum
Mamacita says: I used to look at my young students every day and wonder what they went home to every night. Sometimes I did know, and my heart broke for them daily. With others, I had no idea. When a...
View ArticleIf You Didn't Earn It, You Don't Deserve It
Mamacita says: The world is so full of lovely, kind, honest people. Seriously, I agree with Anne Frank, who said, “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” How is...
View ArticleRead It Right: Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will
Mamacita says: I am starting to look at my house with holiday eyes, and it has made me pensive. I used to look at my young students every day, every year, and wonder what they went home to every...
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